Text GIVE to 404-491-7724
Your Donation
Brookwood Christian depends on the generosity of donors, parents, grandparents, foundations, and community friends to support annual operating expenses, financial aid, and future growth. Tuition & the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (SB10) support approximately 80% of the annual operating budget.
We serve students who have not been successful in public or private schools due to their unique learning needs. Many of these students have been diagnosed with a language based learning disability such as dyslexia.
Most of our students attend private school out of need only, they are not being served in public school, it is not a luxury, and many struggle with our tuition, though it is among the lowest in the Northwest Metro Atlanta area. Many of our students do not start with us until about 3rd grade, when parents start realizing their child is not progressing with reading. Our curriculum, combined with very small class sizes, gives these students an environment in which they can learn.
Our Fundraising goal for 2022-2023 is $200,000, roughly $50,000 more than the 2021-2022 school year, which was our largest ever. In addition to our Corporate and Foundation Donors & Grants, we are grateful to our families and local businesses. We invite you to participate early in the school year by making a gift that is meaningful to you and appropriate for your particular situation.
There are many ways to give, as outlined below.
Georgia Tax Credit Scholarship (APOGEE)
The Qualified Education Expense Credit program, HB 325 (Tax Credit Scholarship) was passed into law in 2008. Although there have been a few changes, the bills are centered around providing tax credits to Georgia tax-payers who wish to support families seeking educational alternatives to Public School.
You can make a donation and receive a dollar-for-dollar Georgia tax credit, AS WELL AS a possible federal charitable contribution deduction depending on your tax situation.
You do not have to have a child enrolled in school to do this, so share with family & friends!
Last year we raised $48,330 and aim to break the $50,000 mark this year!
Annual Fund
Through your generosity, Brookwood Christian School students receive a unique, hands-on, multi-sensory education focused on addressing their reading and learning needs. Each and every gift to the Annual Fund supports the school’s academic programs.
Your gifts make a huge difference in the academic experiences of each student. Tuition only supports 80% percent of the annual operating budget, and contributions from all members of The Brookwood Christian community–parents, grandparents, alumni, past families, faculty & staff, foundations, community partners, and friends–bridge the gap to deliver exceptional learning experiences. Click HERE or text GIVE to (404) 491-7724.
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that can double or even triple the impact of your gift. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or their spouses. The list on our website has been recently updated, though there may be some we don’t yet know about.
You can also help by participating in and volunteering for our Fundraising Events. Volunteer time can be calculated as a tangible value which helps us show the participation of our families and staff, and can be of great value in the grant writing process. Foundations like to see that we are all involved and dedicated.
Also, if you (or a family member) have a business that would be interested in sponsoring one of our events, please contact us! We have 3 major fundraisers each year. The Ride 2 Read Charity Motorcycle Ride and Rock 2 Read Benefit Concert in October, the Acworth Charm Tour in November, and the Spring Tea & Silent Auction in April.
For 2021 we raised $20,995 from our Fundraisers!
Community Rewards
Amazon, Publix, Kroger, Party America & General Mills Boxtops all do their part to help schools. You are going to shop at those places anyway, all you have to do is register/clip boxtops/or tell them and we get a percentage of those sales.
Gifts of stocks or securities benefit you and the school. This type of gift is tax-deductible and you may avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciated stock or security. Donors are advised to consult with their own legal, tax, and estate planning professionals when considering gifts other than cash. To make a gift of stock or securities, please contact the Office.
Brookwood Christian School respects your privacy and will never release your contact, check, or credit card information.
You can access our 501(c)(3) Determination Letter, IRS W-9, IRS Form 990s, and Annual Reports.
501(c)(3) Determination Letters:
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Forms:
501(c)(3) Determination Letter
Tax Payer Identification Number and Certification – Form W-9